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The aloha table at church featuring welcome cards, Kailua United Methodist Church stickers and a LGBTQIA  flag and coffee cup.


We are committed to living out our belief that God’s church is open to all, including those in the LGBTQIA+ community. 


Kailua United Methodist Church is a multicultural and inclusive ohana, engaged in the life of our communities, with confident, effective lay and clergy leadership who, in diverse ministry settings, form disciples who live out the Good News of Jesus as global citizens.


A home for all God’s people, gathered around a table of reconciliation and transformation.


Gay or straight, young or old, single or married, local or visitor, 

The LGBTQIA pride flag image

Kailua United Methodist Church welcomes all with Open Hearts, Open Minds and Open Doors regardless of age, race, ethnicity, nationality, class, history, gender identity, sexual orientation or abilities. All are welcome into our mission of making disciples of Jesus Christ from all generations for the transformation of the world. 


We live into this mission by seeking to become a Christ-Centered, Loving, Knowing and Serving ‘Ohana. We believe that we have a strong foundation, with our history, current assets, and vibrant ministries, to pursue this mission and meet the needs of our evolving community. 


We take Bishop Hagiya’s charge to envision a transformational church and commit ourselves to assess our current practices and bring greater focus to our community centered ministries and create stronger bonds of partnership and collaboration with our community.


With the changes ahead in our denomination, we envision a church that is open to all. 


We urge our Bishop, Annual Conference, Jurisdictional Leaders and General Conference to create a path forward for our church to continue our strong Methodist heritage and connection that is inclusive and open to all without bias. 


Kailua United Methodist Church shall include all persons in every aspect of the life and ministry of our church.


Above is our response  to Bishop Hagiya’s questions about the future of the church. It was written and approved by Kailua UMC's Church Council and brought before the Charge Conference in 2019 where it was adopted by the church. 


Address: 1110 Kailua Road


Phone: (808) 261-6238

Office Hours:

Monday - Thursday

9:00am - 1:00pm


Sundays at 9:30am

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Pride flag for LGBTQIA that are welcome to worship at Kailua UMC

© 2024 Kailua United Methodist Church

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